PERP Token


PERP token vesting & unlocks are 100% complete as of Sept. 2023. See also Circulating supply.


For PERP staking see Staking

Contract addresses

Ethereum: 0xbc396689893d065f41bc2c6ecbee5e0085233447
Optimism: 0x9e1028f5f1d5ede59748ffcee5532509976840e0

// ⚠️ Other chains may have low/no liquidity
BNB: 0x9e1028f5f1d5ede59748ffcee5532509976840e0
Gnosis: 0x7ecF26cd9A36990b8ea477853663092333f59979
Arbitrum: 0x753d224bcf9aafacd81558c32341416df61d3dac


Any additional mint or unlock of PERP tokens must first pass a Governance vote

Total supply: 150MM PERP

Circulating supply

Circulating supply changes depending on how you define it.

  • The Perpetual DAO locked wallet contains all locked PERP held by the Perpetual DAO. These tokens can only be unlocked via DAO governance vote. The most conservative view would be all tokens not in the DAO locked wallet are 'circulating'.

  • The Dune dashboard maintained by the Perp Foundation team does not include PERP locked in the vePERP vault in the circulating supply.

  • Lastly, most token tracking sites like Coingecko use their own methods but generally consider PERP locked in vePERP as part of the circulating supply. See 3rd Party Token Stats below.

Allocations & Vesting

Allocation: 5%

Status: Complete as of Sept 2020

A Balancer liquidity bootstrapping pool was launched in Sept 2020 and seeded with 5% of the token supply.

Balancer pool

A Balancer pool was seeded with PERP rewards to inventivize liquidity.

Distribution chart

3rd Party Token Stats

  • 3rd party tools may be inaccurate

  • Data may be out of date

  • 3rd parties use their own definitions, methods and data sources for calculation of circulating supply, market cap and other metrics.

Last updated