All basic exchange functions are kept in the clearinghouse contract. This includes open and close position, and liquidation functions.
Open a position or update the size of an existing position (you can only have one position in a given asset).
struct OpenPositionParams {
uint256 ;
address maker; // Maker type, e.g. spotHedgeMaker
bool isBaseToQuote;
bool isExactInput;
uint256 amount;
uint256 oppositeAmountBound; // Control slippage
uint256 deadline; // Timestamp
bytes makerData; // @param makerData Encoded calls are custom data defined by maker
returns (int256 base, int256 quote);
Close a position. Note you can also close using openPosition
and opening an equal size position of the opposite direction (e.g. long closes short).
struct ClosePositionParams {
uint256 marketId;
address maker;
uint256 oppositeAmountBound;
uint256 deadline;
bytes makerData;
returns (int256 base, int256 quote);
Liquidate a position. Contract will test the position for eligibility before liquidation.
struct LiquidatePositionParams {
uint256 marketId;
address liquidator;
address trader;
uint256 positionSize;
returns (int256 liquidatedAccountBaseDelta, int256 liquidatedAccountQuoteDelta)
event Liquidated(
uint256 indexed marketId,
address indexed liquidator,
address indexed trader,
int256 positionSizeDelta,
int256 positionNotionalDelta,
uint256 price,
uint256 penalty,
uint256 liquidationFeeToLiquidator,
uint256 liquidationFeeToProtocol
Delegate open and close permissions; delegation is currently limited to order gateway contracts only.
struct isLiquidatableParams {
uint256 marketId;
address trader;
uint256 price;